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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Buzz It
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keylogger is a siftware which allows you to find out what other users do on your computer in your absence. It is designed for the hidden computer monitoring and the monitoring of the computer activity. Keylogger is capable of catching all keystrokes, capturing the screen, logging the programs being run and closed, monitoring the clipboard contents.

Logs all keystrokes, is case sensitive (keystroke logger).

  • Makes screenshots within the specified time interval.

  • Saves the applications’ running and closing.

  • Watches clipboard contents.

  • Records all print activity.

  • Records disk changes.

  • Records internet connections.

  • Records all websites visited.

  • Records startup/shutdown.

  • All the information is stored in the encrypted log file.

  • Convenient interface of the log and screenshot view.

  • Generates the report in the text and html format.

  • Sends the report to the specified email, via FTP or local area network.

  • Works in the standard and hidden mode.

  • In the hidden mode it is invisible in all operating systems (in Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista processes as well).

  • Provides the opportunity to protect keylogger with the password, so that nobody except you could view the logs.
  • Actual Spy Software is not detected by antivirus software.

  • Fast installation, convenient and understandable interface, various set of features, flexible configuration system.

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