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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Connection using a proxy

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Problem:when connecting to the internet using a web proxy.Does AVG have a provision to connect using a proxy address to download updates?
Answer:Yes, AVG does have a provision that allows users to download updates form the internet using a proxy.The proxy however has to be configured.
1.Launch 'AVG user interface.'
2.Click tools/Advanced Settings'.
3.In the left pane select 'Update/Proxy'.
You will now be faced with two options in the proxy box.
*Use proxy:Requires you to specify the proxy address.It will connect using only this address.
*Try connection using proxy and if it fails,connect directly:Selecting this option from the dropdown box will first connect using the proxy.If this fails, it will connect directly.
After selecting one of the above options, you will come across two more options,'Manual' and 'Automatic'.
*Manual:After selecting this option you will have to enter the proxy and port address yourself.Make sure that these values are entered correctly.These can be obtained from your network administrator.If your proxy address requires you to enter a username and password then check the 'Use PROXY Authentication' checkbox. Enter the 'Username' and the 'Password' correctly in the text fields provided below.
*Auto:Selecting this option will not need you to enter the proxy and port addresses manually;instead,it will directly acquire these values from another source. These values can be obtained from your browser, assuming that the values are entered there.The supported browsers include Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Opera.It can also be obtained from a script.The values can also be obtained automatically.Select the appropriate radio buttons from whichever choice you feel suits you best.
Once you are done with the settings,connecting with a proxy will not be a problem anymore.

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