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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Intel core family takes the lead

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Intel® Core™ processors are the newest, smartest, and fastest processors from Intel, delivering outstanding intelligent performance. The culmination of 40 years of technology leadership, Intel Core processors are the foundation for reliable, responsive, energy-efficient PCs.
Featured product
The highest performing desktop processor on the planet.¹ Shatter the limits of desktop computing with the intelligent performance of the Intel® Core™ i7-975 processor Extreme Edition, the smartest way to blast through highly-threaded games and applications.
Intel® Core™ i7 processor Extreme Edition
Conquer the world of extreme gaming with the fastest processor on the planet: the Intel® Core™ i7 processor Extreme Edition.¹ With faster, intelligent multi-core technology that responds to your workload, it delivers an incredible breakthrough in gaming performance.

Intel® Core™ i7 processor
With faster, intelligent multi-core technology that automatically applies processing power where it's needed most, Intel® Core™ i7 processors deliver an incredible breakthrough in PC performance. They're the best desktop processors family on the planet.¹

Intel® Core™ i5 processor
Intelligent performance that accelerates in response to demanding tasks. The Intel® Core™ i5 processor is a great solution for the multimedia multitasker.

Intel® Core™2 Extreme processor
For extreme computing. Enjoy revolutionary levels of performance enabling vivid, high-definition experiences and multi-tasking responsiveness from state-of-the-art Intel dual-core and quad-core technologies.

Intel® Core™2 Quad processor
Multimedia enthusiasts, prepare to enthuse. Bring quad-core performance to your desktop with the Intel® Core™2 Quad processor. It's the ideal engine for highly threaded entertainment applications and highly productive multitasking.

Intel® Core™2 Duo processor
The power to perform. With power-optimized enabled dual-core technology and exceptional energy efficiency, the Intel® Core™2 Duo processor excels running the most intense applications.

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