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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Firefox 3.6

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n Jan 21 2010, Mozilla Firefox 3.6 has been released. This version of Firefox is promised to be faster than any previous version available and focus on improving user experience.
firefox 3.6 Check It Out   Firefox 3.6

What’s New in Firefox 3.6

Firefox 3.6  is built on Mozilla’s Gecko 1.9.2 web rendering platform, which has been under development since early 2009 and contains many improvements for web developers, add-on developers, and users. This version is also faster and more responsive than previous versions and has been optimized to run on small device operating systems such as Maemo.
Notable Firefox 3.6 features include:
  • Available in more than 70 languages – get your local version.
  • Support for a new type of theme called Personas, which allow users to change Firefox’s appearance with a single click.
  • Protection from out-of-date plugins to keep users safer as they browse.
  • Open, native video can now be displayed full screen and supports poster frames.
  • Improved JavaScript performance, overall browser responsiveness, and startup time.
  • The ability for web developers to indicate that scripts should run asynchronously to speed up page load times.
  • Continued support for downloadable web fonts using the new WOFF font format.
  • Support for new CSS attributes such as gradients, background sizing, and pointer events.
  • Support for new DOM and HTML5 specifications including the Drag & Drop API and the File API, which allow for more interactive web pages.
  • Changes to how third-party software can integrate with Firefox in order to prevent crashes.
Mozilla Firefox currently has over 6,000 add-ons available to help customize yourinterface and tweak your browser.  Mozilla is adding in “Personas”, allowing users to preview how a theme looks before applying it.  Mozilla has also updated their plug-in detection, bringing you to a page with all the latest and out of date applications.
Firefox 3.6 will load webpages 20% faster than version 3.5, reducing their overall speed to just under a second.  Web designers will receive a CSS gradient and background and an updated file API for web application developers, to work just like desktop apps.  Firefox will also add drag and drop support, and even detect yourcomputer orientation.

Install and Upgrade

Firefox 3.6 will overwrite your existing installation of Firefox. You won’t lose any of your bookmarks or browsing history, but some of your extensions and other add-ons might not work until updates for them are made available. You can reinstall an older version later if you wish to downgrade.
  1. After download, Open file and click Next
  2. Choose Standard and Next
  3. Click Upgrade to update your Firefox to version 3.6
  4. Reset your computer to finish upgrade.
Wish you success!

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