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Sunday, January 24, 2010

Keyword Research Guide – A Practical Guide to Using Wordtracker

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Keyword Research Guide – A Practical Guide to Using Wordtracker

Keyword Research Guide is an ebooks contains A practical guide to using Wordtracker to conduct keyword research for an online business. Wordtracker is a to research keyword for search engine optimization. Wordtracker will help you write customer-focused and search-engine-friendly website copy.
With Wordtracker, you can:
  • Drive traffic to your site by using the words people use when they’re searching
  • Write great website copy by incorporating terms that people immediately identify with
  • Plan profitable pay-per-click campaigns by building up a broad range of keyword phrases that will capture your market

  • Develop great content ideas that directly address your customers’ needs
  • Understand your customers’ behavior and concerns by analyzing the words that they use
  • Measure the size of a potential online market by the number of searches conducted, and
  • Develop new revenue streams by using popular keywords to inspire new product and service ideas.
This e-book gives you insights how to research keyword with wordtracker. To Download this ebooks click here.

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