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Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mobsters 2 Guide: List of Unique Loot

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or those who are playing Mobsters 2 : Vendetta, This guide will be very useful. M2 Vendetta is a very nice game like Mafia Wars. Same fun as Mafia Wars but not so crowded. I can't see any Vendetta cheats and hacks so I will be sharing A guide instead. Hope you all like it.Street Thug
No loot item.

Slurpee Machine - The Bronx, New York/Convenience Store Robbery - LV 7
*5% increase in energy regeneration speed

Petty Criminal
"Cooperative" Auto Dealer - Downtown, New York/Drive Getaway Car - LV ??
*Henchmen [0/0]
* Upkeep: $25
*10% discount on vehicles

Crooked Accountant - Vegas/Open a Brothel - LV ??
*Henchmen [0/0]
*5% increase in cashflow payout speed

High Roller
Loaded Dice - Chinatown/Open A High-Stakes Gambling Parlor - LV 79
*10% cash on gambling missions

Not yet listed.

Not yet listed.

Not yet listed.

Money Man
Swiss Bank Account - Downtown, New York/Establish a Business as a Front - LV 16
*15% discount on bank fees

Real Estate "Negotiator" - Vegas/Take Over a Rival Casino - LV 57
*Henchmen [0/0]
*5% discount on all territories

Merchant of Death
Not yet listed.

Red Carnation - Jersey City, New Jersey/Dispose of a Hot Weapon - LV 27
*10% more cash payout per mob size for missions
credit to Xlade

Lucky Pirate Doubloon - Cayman Islands/Steal and Smuggle Island Treasure - LV 91
*5% mission XP (based on mob size)
credit to OppKillYou-ATL

Nurse - Miami, Florida/Drive by Shooting - LV 31
*Henchmen [0/0]
*5% Increase in health regeneration speed

Tactical Shield - Chinatown/Patrol Little Italy - LV 50ish
*Equipment [4/16]
*10% chance of a spirited defense when attacked

Walk-In Safe - Jersey City, New Jersey/Hold up a Liquor Store - LV 48
*25% discount on bank fees
credits to chiliboy

Not yet listed.

Not yet listed.

Non-Class Specific Loot/Equipment Items:
Majority Stock Ownership - Chinatown/Destroy a Transfer - LV ??
*10% cash on business and finance missions
credit to Astorga

Secret Sauce Recipe - Downtown/Attack a Convoy - LV ??
*30 energy increase in max energy
credit to Biohaz

Star of Florence - Jersey/Disrupt a Shipment - LV ??
*20% increase in stamina regeneration speedBronx Mastery
Mohawk/Wavy Chestnut
*+5% health regeneration rate

Musketeer/Long Blonde
*+3% experience for winning fights

Gray Rourke/Short Brunette
*+2% cash for most missions

Downtown Mastery
Tan Combat Boots
*+50 attack strength

Black Cowboy Boots
*+5% experience on missions

Steeltoe Workboots
*15% discount on Henchmen

Jersey Mastery
Snake Tattoo
*+7% chance of a spirited defense when attacked

"$" Tattoo
*5% increase in cashflow payout speed

Cheek Tattoo
*10% chance of a fourth skill point on level-up

Vegas Mastery
Light Pinstriped Sport Coat
*Avatar Top
*+3% discount on all items

Russet Hunting Jacket
*Avatar Top
*+25% attack strength against enforcers

Blue Hoodie
*Avatar Top
*+10% chance of a free Hired Gun when you buy one

Chinatown Mastery
Micro Uzi Pistol
*15% discount on explosives

*+100 to attack strength
credit to Colin Jaed

Industrial Chainsaw
*+100 to defense strength

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