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Friday, February 5, 2010

Re-Enable: Enable regedit, Cmd, Task Manager, System Restore

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Re-Enable: Enable regedit, Cmd, Task Manager, System Restore| 36.7 Mb

When malicious software or virus get into a PC, the instant effect by them is to make their detection difficult by disable Registry Editor, Command prompt,Task manager etc. But Re-Enabling these system files is very difficult. In this condition a portable tool Re-Enable can help you out. Re-Enable Portable is a handy tool that will re enable registry editing, Cmd,Task Manager, System restore and Run command.
As I said above malicious software or virus disable these to prevent removal of such viruses ,with one click regedit will be re activated ,without messing around with scripts or third party registry editors. This is coded in .net but doesn’t need .net installed because .net dependencies are included in the program making it fully portable.

Enjoy !!!

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