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Friday, January 29, 2010

3 myspace tricks to generate hordes of webtraffic

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The main purpose of MySpace is to widen your social network. So what is the purpose of you having an account on MySpace but all you have on your network is just your relatives and close friends? This would defeat the purpose of having an account in the first place. If you are wondering if there are any MySpace tricks to generate hordes of traffic to your profile page, the answer is a resounding “Yes!” Here are 3 MySpace tricks that you can use to generate hordes of web traffic.
1. Friend list
You may be wondering how some MySpace users develop a friends list that has over 1000 people. Most of these MySpace users do not have 1000 ‘real’ friends. In fact, most of these friends are made online, through MySpace . These people have internet-socializing skills that enable them to make friends through the internet. Making friends over the net may seem difficult to some people but once you get the hang of it, it will become as natural as breathing. As time goes by, you will eventually get to meet more friends online This can be contacts made from your real life friends or virtual friends. The ability to make friends is very important as well. Some MySpace users fear rejection whenever they make a ‘friends’ request. With adequate time and experience, this fear will slowly dissipate.
2. Web profile page
Generating web traffic to your profile page provides you with an opportunity to market your product or service. All you need to do is apply a little marketing strategy onyour profile page. The more people that are exposed to your profile, the easier it will be for you to market your product or service. Fortunately, setting up the marketing tools necessary for MySpace marketing is essentially a ‘one-off’ affair. Once you have developed a marketing system, minimal maintenance is required. Once your website becomes popular, many people will take notice of your website and all you have to do is to keepyour profile page updated with the latest information so that those people will be kept updated.
3, Overlooked advertising tools
To make your MySpace profile more attractive, you can simply utilize several simple, but often overlooked internet advertising tools. Some people might think that if you look good, all you need to do is to take a good looking picture of yourself and you can generate lots of views onyour profile. This theorem is not applicable in all situations. Having a good or attractive display picture on your profile might drive people to your profile but subsequently, it is how you present yourself on the internet that will determine if your profile page is a successful. There are many MySpace users wrestling for attention. To remain relevant you must stand out from your competitors and one way to do so is to use internet advertising tools actively.
The social networking explosion is a phenomenon that many of my clients ask me about. In order to drive more traffic to your website, you should consider using the above mentioned MySpace tricks to promote your product or service. Fortunately, there are many other ways tap into social network phenomenon. To learn more about the tricks of the trade, you should consider investing in high quality methodologies that have been tested extensively. 

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