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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Harry potter font collection

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Below are various fonts which mimic those used in the Harry Potter books. A guide to installing them on your Windows computer can be found below. To download the fonts, click on the preview image. The fonts are contained within Zip files to shorten download times.

Just click on the image of the font and the font will be downloaded into your system

Harry Potter Cover Font
Harry PHarry P is a font similar to the font used on the cover of the United States editions of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter books.
LumosLumos is the other font used in the U.S. Harry Potter books, such as on the chapter titles.
ParseltongueParseltongue, the serpent font.
Magical Me (Parry Hotter)
Magical Me (Parry HotterMagical Me is the font which appears on Gilderoy Lockhart's book, Magical Me. This font also includes some characters from theHarry P font.
MagikMagik is another magical looking font inspired by the Harry Potter series of books.
MagdeburgMagdeburg, yet another magical looking font inspired by the Harry Potter series.
Hogwarts Wizard
Hogwarts WizardHogwarts Wizard is a font meant to mimick the handwriting of a Hogwarts student.
MoonstarMoonstar is a very bubbly and decorative wizardly-related font.
HagridHagrid is based upon Hagrid's handwriting from the Harry Potter books.
ES Potter
ES PotterES Potter is Eric from the staff's version of the HP cover font. It includes some characters similar to the Lumos font.
ES MuggleNet
ES MuggleNetES MuggleNet is Eric from the staff's version of the MuggleNet logo font, inspired by Lingo

Font Install Guide

The guide below will help you to install a font on the Windows XP operating system. Older versions of Windows are similar to the steps below. If you have another opeating system, the fonts may not work for you anyway. Please check your operating system's documentation for instructions.

1) Click the appropriate link on the site to download the font. For demonstration purposes, we have downloaded the "Magik" font. When prompted, please click "Save" and save the compressed file to your Windows Desktop.

2) Double-click on the compressed file to open it.

3) After the compressed file is open, right-click on the file inside and click "Copy."

4) Right-click on your Windows Desktop and click "Paste."

5) At this point, you should now have an icon like this on your Desktop. The icon may look a bit different, but it should be a font icon (usually has lettering on it).

6) Now you must install the font. Begin by clicking the "Start" button and then clicking on "Control Panel."

7) Once in the Control Panel, click on "Appearance and Themes."

8) In the left column, click the "Fonts" link to open the Fonts window.

9) At the top of the window, click "File" and then "Install New Fonts..."

10) In the lower right, you will need to navigate to the Desktop folder. This is usually C:\, Documents and Settings, The username of your Windows XP account, Desktop. Once you've selected the correct folder, the font should appear in the top box. Select it in the list. Be sure that the checkbox in the bottom of the popup window is selected, so that the font is copied to the font folder. Click "OK."

11) Your font is now installed. If you wish to install multiple fonts at the same time, in Step 10, just hold down the Control button and select every font in the list (when they're all extracted to the Desktop from the compressed files), and hit OK. Thefonts should appear in the font lists in all or most of your programs.

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