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Sunday, January 24, 2010

5 ways on How to Hack Rapidshare premium account password

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hack rapidshare premium account. So, I am posting this article on rapishare premium hacking to inform you ways to hack Rapidshare premium account.
Hack Rapidshare premium account password

Hack Rapidshare Premium account password:

There are 4 methods to hack Rapidshare premium account password. I have explained these methods to hack Rapidshare premium password in below article.

1. Rapidshare Phishing:

Now, this is most useful method to hack Rapidshare premium password. The only thing you have to do is simply create a Rapidshare Phisher (fake page) and then send this Rapidshare Phisher to victim and make him to login to his Rapidshare premium account using our sent fake login page. Once he logins to his Rapidshare premium account using our sent phisher, his Login and Password are sent to your email address and you are able to hack Rapidshare premium account password.

Download Rapidshare Phisher.

Unzip this file using Winzix (free download here) to hack rapidshare password using Rapidshare phisher.

2. Desktop Phishing:

This is second type of Phishing. Here, you have to send a fileto vicitm and make him install the file on his computer. Once he installs our sent file on his computer, you are able to get his Rapidshare premium account password and thus hack Rapidshare premium account password

3. Keylogging:

This is one of the most easiest method to hack Rapidshare premium account password. Here, you have software named by which you can record all keystrokes typed on victim computer. These recorded keystrokes are sent to your email inbox. Since, you have typed Rapidshare premium password, you can easily hack Rapidshare premium account. I have added more on this in my article Keylogging to hack Rapidshare premium password.

4. Hacking Primary email address:

Every Rapidshare premium account has a primary email address. So, simple logic is to hack Primary email address and then click on "Request Forgotten password" link on Rapidshare login page. Then rapidshare will send password to primary email inbox which is hacked by you. Thus, you've obtained new Rapidshare premium account password and now able to hack Rapidshare premium account.

You can use various softwares like Gmail Hacker, Hotmail Hacker, USB Thief for hacking primary email password.

5. Social Engineering:

Well, working of this hacking method depends on your intellegence and convincing power. Here, you have to ask victim about his password or security question of primary email. You have to be cautious while using this method to avoid any doubt of victim. Any clue about security answer can enable you to hack Rapidshare premium account password.

You will require to have Winzix to get Rapidshare phisher software. Download Winzix here.
So friends, these are some of the popular methods used to hack Rapidshare premium account password. I hope, you'll be able to use these methods to hack Rapidshare premium password. If you have any problem in using these methods to hack Rapidshare account password, please mention it in comments.

Enjoy n hack Rapidshare premium account password...

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