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Monday, January 25, 2010

Vista Services Optimizer

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 Vista Services Optimizer is an open source Windows tweaking utility that can improve your Windows Vista and Windows 7 performance and security with a simple mouse click, by tweaking Windows services in an automatic and very safe way according to the way you use your computer and which software you use.

Vista Services Optimizer includes Gaming Mode feature that could improve your system performance while playing the latest PC games by temporary turning off unnecessary Windows services resulting in a smoother gaming experience.

Vista Services Optimizer is a safe tweaking utility which can optimize performance and security of your system without causing any harm. If you face any problem after performing services optimization, you can with a single click, restore your system default settings using Smart Rescue Center.
It can save your custom Windows services settings, enabling you to apply your different settings in seconds, saving you a lot of time specially when dealing with multiple computers and users.

Portable version which can be downloaded from here.

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