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Monday, January 25, 2010

Restaurant City Level Hack Using RC Tools 5.22

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Level Gap has increased for Restaurant City. From level 32 now it's level 65 again if you want to be ahead and reach top level in an instant  just follow the steps on this post. You may gain 8000, 4000, 2000 exp for every dish.

Effect of this cheat:
*Gain 8000, 4000 or 2000 Experience Poitns for every Dish.

Tools Needed:
1. Flash Player 9/10 - Click here to Download
2. Mozilla Firefox or Flock - Click here to Download
3. Cheat Engine 5.5 - Click here to Download
4. Piap RC Hack - Click here to Download

Steps to do:
1. Open Restaurant City - Click here to Play
2. Open Cheat Engine and Select your Browser.
3. Check HEX & Also Scan Read Only Memory then Choose 8 Bytes.
4. On HEX Box Scan FFFFFFB8D02A0FF2
5. Right Click and choose Dissasemble this memory region.
6. On memory viewer, Right click on first address and choose Go to address.
7. Copy the address.
8. Paste the address on RC Tools 5.52 (You can see it below this post)
9. Now choose how much XP points you want for every dish then click Enter.
10. Copy the generated code and paste it on Cheat Engine (Lower Part)
11. You will see this Exp++ ,Click Frozen.
12. You may patch Piap RC Hack for easy leveling (Optional)
13. Cheat is activated you can go back to your Restaurant City.

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